Product Marketing OKR examples

Improve the way we communicate product changes to our customers
  • Put together and send out 3 product newsletters to customersnewsletters 30
  • Write 6 blog articles on new product featuresarticles 60
  • Achieve 5% click-through-rate on the newsletter% 50
Gather customer feedback on product changes
  • Conduct 12 in-depth interviews with existing customersinterviews 120
  • Listen in on 36 sales callscalls 360
  • Get 1000 surveys responses on customer satisfaction surveyresponses 10000
Simplify and clarify our messaging and overall presentation to make our product more appealing to startups
  • 25 on-site user-testing sessions to understand early-stage product misunderstandingssessions 250
  • Test 10 of our recent infographics and slide decks for customer understandinginfographics 100
  • Get 1000 answers to an online user survey sent to all last quarter's signupsanswers 10000

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