Digital Marketing OKR Examples

Run messaging and timing experiments in top channels to generate more Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs)
  • Increase email marketing MQLs from 100 to 150MQLs 1500
  • Increase AdWords MQLs from 70 to 100MQLs 1000
  • Increase organic search MQLs from 45 to 50MQLs 500
Improve our presence on relevant review websites, forums and groups to nurture leads
  • Increase the number of positive brand mentions on web from 3000 to 6000 (30-days average)mentions 60003000
  • Increase the number of published reviews from 10 to 50 on Capterrareviews 5010
  • Achieve 60+ demo requests from discussion forums & groupsdemo requests 600
Optimize core pages for visitor-to-sign-up conversions
  • Grow website main page visitors conversion by 7% % 70
  • Improve conversions on landing pages by 10%% 100
  • Improve page performance score from 35 to 90+score 9035
Increase the number of marketing-qualified leads (MQLs)
  • Increase MQLs generated from the webinars from 20 to 50MQLs 5020
  • Increase the views of the welcome-intent popups on the home page from 1000 to 3000views 30001000
  • Increase ebook downloads from 100 to 300downloads 300100
Implement gated content for lead generation and capture more MQLs
  • Generate 2000 new leads from landing pages with gated contentnew leads 20000
  • Collect 200 new leads’ emails via download forms on the gated contentemails 2000
  • Achieve 100 MQLs out of those who downloaded gated contentMQLs 1000

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